My Blog List

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BCRail gone?

Over at BCMarys site I seee BCRail is being absorbed into the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Apparently BCRail had made the BC people one and a half billion dollars over the last few years and does not have a debt. Looks like it is being managed well for us but not so says the government. It has evolved into something the government needs to get control of, can't have a profitable corporation especially not a Crown Corporation making the government look bad. Gotta get it into their hands so they can enrich their fellow criminals at the taxpayers expense. Gotta love living in BC eh!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been a good day. Had look at the garlic by pulling back some of the mulch and there is about an inch long shoots coming out of the ground. Hopefully it hasn't started out too early as it could get pretty cold yet. More mulch may be in the cards.

By the sounds of things I'm glad I'm not in Vancouver for the security festival. Lot of buzz on the net about a possible False Flag attack. Hopefully with all the attention given the possibility they will rethink and everything will be peaceful. If there is an attack we know who was behind it as the same criminals are in control as in previous staged but deadly terrorist attacks perpetrated by the shadow government.

Welcome free thinkers

Been wanting to get a blog going for awhile and finally got round to giving it a whirl. I read pretty much read everything that BCMary publishes. Great work thanks for your dedication to trying to make sure the truth gets out.

I have embarked on a journey that is going to totally change my life. I have been slowly extricating myself from the trap I(actually everyone) have been caught by since no one taught us anything about how the system really works. They taught us consumerism and how to conform and pay for our extravagance with fictitious money created out of nothing.

I'm also a market gardener and by the name I assume you surmised we grow garlic which we will have seed and culinary available around September. I will be posting how the garden is progressing. Kinda be a garden diary for me and hopefully entertaining and thought provoking to you also and I hope you'll share any thought and ideas with me.