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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Planting is done

Got all the garlic in and mulched a few weeks ago. It got roots after about 13 days so it should be able to get a good start come spring. We didn't plant quite as much as last year but the size should all be much bigger so hoping to have a lot of seed garlic for sale next year.

Varieties we have in the ground are Susan Dalifield, Leningrad, Northern Quebec, Tibetan, Persian Star, German Red, Ukranian Mavniv, Dans Russian, Cheznok Red, Fish Lake 3, of which there is enough for sales of seed stock or culinary next year. We also have Asian Tempest, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Sicilian Gold, Hungarian, which we are in the process of building to quantities for sale.

We plan on putting in a variety of market vegetables also. Probably mostly for our own use but also hopefully some for market. We are small and do not have the means to hire help so can only do what the three of us can manage. It is great eating our own vegetables and I can't believe how great the flavor is compared to the stuff you get from the super markets.

Anyone wishing to order seed garlic can leave a contact and I will be most happy to contact you regarding price and availability.