My Blog List

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013. Put in quinoa fyfe wheat and oats. A few showers but mostly a nice spring day. Everything has greened up real nice over the last few days with all the rain we had. Was a nice break, not in shape yet. Got our load of wood bucked up into 8ft lengths and stacked along the fence, that was a chore but a good workout.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter day

Well here it is Dec 8 and we are looking more like winter. One of our coldest nights so far -8C with an inch of snow. We got a log truck load of wood dropped in the yard a week ago which is great. It should last us about 5 years and probably more as we will still go out and pick up a load or to in the fall just cause we enjoy doing it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

An observation

Oct 10, 2012 the shadow of the tree on the mountain covers the big pine out back at 5pm. Getting ready to put in the garlic crop. Has been a fantastic fall. Frost never did damage until Sept 25. Got a super crop of spuds. Over 200# of Yukon Gold with 5 varieties to go we should have around 450# me thinks. We're going to try dehydrating some of the spuds to see how that way of storing them works out. Carrot beds are awesome also.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Garlic's in

Another successful garlic harvest is in the curing shed. There is some very nice bulbs this year in all varieties. Not as big as we had hoped but very respectable all the same. The rest of the garden is doing good. Started picking cukes a couple of days ago and should have plenty for the next couple of weeks. The potato crop is looking real good. Yukon gold and french fingerlings are very nice with very little scab or blemishes. Corn and squash are looking good also, even after the disappointment of the sweet corn not germinating worth a hill of beans but the aztec blue corn germinated almost perfectly so we should have lots of it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Supreme Court case
Common Law right to transfer land without registration safe from charge against previous(current) registered owner in land registry.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Been enjoying the slack time of the year. Another year out the door, they seem to be slipping by a lot quicker these days. Been cleaning up garlic over the last month or so and dehydrating it for making nuggets and powder. Almost got it done only about 75 lbs left to go. Waiting for the restaurants at the wineries to open up again maybe be able to sell some to them along with the bulbs we have stored. Was a good year all and all last year, hoping this one will be also

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Garlic harvest is in

Garlic harvest is in and looking good, not as big as we had hoped but still pretty decent size.

We have several varieties of pesticide and chemical fertilizer free seed garlic and eating garlic available the third week of September including Susan Dalifield, Northern Quebec, Leningrad, Dans Russian, Ukranian Mavniv, Tibetan, German Red, Cheznok Red, Fish Lake 3 and Persian Star. Grown in Willowbrook in the beautiful South Okanagan of British Columbia.

Seed garlic size 2" and up for $9.00/lb
Garlic suitable for the home garden will produce nice size bulbs for the home kitchen 1 1/2" to 2" for $7.50/lb
Garlic 1 1/2" and less for $5.00/lb. Prices do not included shipping which will be done by the method of your choice at your expense.